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Email Reports

Want to stay informed with the ReveniQ data? You can schedule email reports in daily, weekly, or monthly alerts. In your “notifications” tab, select the option of your choice.

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Email Reporting

Your daily, weekly, monthly, yearly data can be sent to your email with a single click. Rolling graphs with updated data keeps you abreast with all the data you need.

Track that progress

Now that you've set your goals, let our reports take care of the rest. You'll be updated on how you're performing like clockwork!

Right Interval

Choose the interval you want and we'll send you a condensed update of the highlighted trends for the products you want to keep track of.

Stay Informed

On the move constantly, and don't have time dedicated to opening the tool every day? Don't miss out on these mobile-friendly email notifications from ReveniQ.

Email Reporting

Stay informed from anywhere at anytime! Reports available to you in the knick of time.